Ciao tutti,
weather’s nice and mild, just cycled over to my guy’s office to say hello, have a panini together – afterwards he took a photo.
soft breeze through the trees, said ciao to Mariano, Claudio and Lorella, they said ciaociao, salve and buondi back…Renato is sad, he told me he lost his companion the other night… we hugged and cried softly in the middle of the street, easy to be emotional here
babies are crying, kids are laughing, up to harmless mischief and there’s lots of them – think school’s out for the summer, as of today – during the year they seem pretty happy as well…..watching young Italians play tennis on clay courts, they’re good, better than I was
i see the same disabled trio of young to middle aged italians along my daily route, i cycle rain or shine.. often i stop, asking one of the trio how she is – a woman about my age, her whole body seems to perpetually shake; she responds in the same way, tells me her leg hurts terribly, then says ‘carina, carina’ and off she navigates – along the bike and foot path just fine, or putting groceries in her carrier with some effort –
there’s so many dogs being walked, mostly quiet, the only anti-social dog is our little Gastone, not much I can do, he doesn’t even like to be picked up but cuddles with me at nite. Gigi is so cool and calm always, knowing it’s all about him, follows me everywhere at home to remind lest i forget
plenty of german tourists, several middle aged women are pretty fat, I only mention because of the stark contrast; Italians are not… pretty sporty crew here up north, as chatty as the rest, strangely happy immersed in their own worlds, insular from the world’s angst, in their way….
so here, take some italian happiness, do with it what you please, I have some to spare; riva’s my ‘goldilocks’ home
baci, bailey