When reciprocal; life’s twice as nice

Garda was our first home in Europe circa 2002.

Her floral ensemble in summer is impeccable. In winter, when the tourists leave; I’m in love.

But it wasn’t always that way. And I grew up with the romance of mountains and water together forever, in Seattle – but over there, you’ve time to adjust, they’re far away. Here, the mountains are formidable, in your face; they used to intimidate me.

Maybe that’s why I take this drive every now and then, on my moto. The road’s called Strada della Forra on Sp 38. Winston Churchill called it the 8th wonder of the world, but who cares; I just find it liberating.

While driving, exposed to the environs..maybe a little relief as I get to see the same thing the mountain sees when looking at people like me and the lake.

When reciprocal; life’s twice as nice.



