They say if you aren’t moved by what you see; change what you see. But sometimes you’ve got to change the scenery. Or the balcony. Now I understand why Italians have two apartments.

My guy’s traveling, I miss him, but change is beneficial. And with this late summer Italian heat our place on the lake is like living in a dream. He uses it for an office; now it’s mine. I’ve moved the dogs and my life for a week or so.

Apparently, more people think we’re living in a simulation. Or a dream. I’m open to both. 20 some years ago we landed on Lake Garda, our first home in Europe. It can feel like a dream within a dream, guess that’s why we ended up here after so many different addresses.
Such are the cycles of life. However, after taking the dogs for a walk, Gastone ate some grass and threw up on the sheets. However, it’s Italy, the sun dries them in a moment. A tiny interruption.
We have a tiny washing machine. Everything in this apartment is tiny, including its size; and it’s perfect. It reminds me of being with Colette. We had both Colette and Godot when we arrived, but the moments I had with Colette, whether on a picnic, or just doing laundry, still seem to linger here on the lake.
Because she does…