Category: Blogs and Blessays
So many Last Suppers…
Last time I saw The Last Supper was in ’22 at the Leonardo da Vinci Museum in Venice. However, there’s dozens of depictions. Of course, South Park and Mel Brooks got in on the act. Yet the one in Paris missed. Felt off, otherly. A sad US trend that didn’t translate, perhaps we expected something…
Someone stole my bike.
In the middle of the night someone stole my bike. I’ve no idea how – perhaps very carefully. When we went to the carabinieri this morning to report the theft, my guy said, “she was beautiful”. I stared at him, then agreed. Of course she was – that’s why I named her Dovima! – after…
Italy at Night
Driving through Italy
Hiking for Superheroes in Piemonte, Italy
Let’s go the capital of biodiversity, to Italy – and specifically Piemonte – where we’ll go hiking for herbs with Anna Fila Robattino – or what she calls the superheroes of Piemonte. To Anna’s secret garden deep in the forest of Olmo Gentile, a tiny town, in a region full of hundreds of herbs and…
Lunch in Paris – with Jim the Priest and Monsieur D.
Election Season
The English election let us know Labor can receive 36% of the vote and assume 100% of the power. I was sorry to see George Galloway lose; au revoir, but not adieu. Two friends came to visit from London last week. They just focus on the family and work, and I think that works well…
Italians mind my business without minding it
Notes and dreams from Lake Garda, the capital of windsurfing in Europe. Dramatic weather, lost and found brooms and why Garda is my Goldilocks home.
An Editor should make you feel like this; mine did.
How it feels to get the book back from the editor. Henry N. Gifford made me feel like this. All that work, years spent on “Personal Legends of Piemonte”. Gratitude feels good. Some say editors are like priests or psychologists, for me, their effect is that moment after you’ve mowed the lawn. You can sit…
What those Ithakas mean
As you set out for Ithaka hope your road is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery. Laistrygonians, Cyclops, angry Poseidon—don’t be afraid of them: you’ll never find things like that on your way as long as you keep your thoughts raised high, as long as a rare excitement stirs your spirit and…