Are you editing? Everyone seems to be editing. Maybe not enough, but we’re all doing the best we can.
Yesterday, I watched the gardener mow the lawn at our place on the lake. I spent hours mowing our lawn in Loazzolo. Initially I cut it close, then after a few years, I thought – gosh, it’s so pretty, why not see more of it.
Still, had to cut it twice a week. There may be room to change your style but editing is a constant and fluid process.
In nature, like writing, a crucial process. Whatever you’re working on, you’re revising and refining content. Providing clarity, coherence and overall quality.

I’m done, finally, with structural editing. Enough with the outlines and organizing. I know my tone, I’ve committed to a certain style, my voice is quite consistent. Finally.
Still working on editing content. The essence of characters, the information I want to include, the overall impact, the ending, this type of thing. Little bits each time.
My idea of publishing in English and Italian has posed a major challenge. This means the copy editing will be a major headache. Perhaps that’s why I’m procrastinating more than usual. But it’s about Italians. They were interviewed in Italian, and their language is so lyrical. It does complicate the process.
I’ve done the fact checking although there’s always corrections and updates.
Hopefully my style will prove attractive. They quite liked it in my first book, “A European odyssey; how a boxer’s daughter found grace“….reviews on Amazon are good. As we all know, editing is key.
The final feedback and collaboration with an editor is something I look forward to; immensely. This means I’m ‘that’ close to finishing my second book.
Proofreading, editing, content and style, the process is critical. Hope you too are trying to create something fantastic. Don’t give up; you will be awfully proud you finished. Comprehensive editing will create something beautiful to behold.