Hadn’t made sushi since Seattle. Here on Lake Garda, our Italian friends enjoyed the rolls and sashimi, the meal turned out well – thanks to a sushi chef providing fresh tuna and salmon. And, my sushi rice rose like a souffle…..all you have to do is study those youtube vids with insect like determination.
The evening was such fun, the food was fine and we talked about Italy the entire time. Surprisingly, Italy is doing well, but then it often does during chaotic times.
Germany’s not doing well. Cheap energy killed, along with their relationship with Russia…but Italy’s not a manufacturing powerhouse; it’s an agricultural one. And thanks to the pipeline to Algeria via Tunisia we don’t have to buy the expensive stuff from the US.
Talking to our friends confirmed what we expected, Italy’s alright, – and even more surprisingly, every time I ask an Italian friend or acquaintance what they think of Meloni, they shrug and don’t seem to mind.
In my next book, “Personal Legends of Piemonte” I end with a high note. And it was easy. Nota bene: never underestimate this strangely happy entity, this place we call Italy.
For example, perhaps you’re getting ready to take your own personal tour of this strangely happy entity:
You’re traveling by train. You meditate on the scenery. Her myth is now your reality. Suddenly, an abandoned building appears in the middle of a field, or perched high on a hill. A weathered stone facade becomes visible and if close enough, your eyes fall on a broken window or maybe the glass is entirely gone. Wild ivy is growing randomly out of the front door. Your imagination kicks in as you muse, “It must have been a grand mansion or a castle long ago.” Or you capture a dilapidated cottage hanging on to its last piece of charm. If it’s cloudy, without company, you might find it slightly romantic or sad. You might even sigh, “Oh, just look at that, this country is falling apart.”
Italy can be deceptive. The next town you drive by has 499 residents and every single one has a job, if they want one. As well as the next. If Covid comes along, no problem, they not only survive, they thrive. And that’s what I’ve written about, these extraordinary ‘personal legends of piemonte’ – think big, stay local. The vast Italian repertoire is amazing, these artisans..
– organization may not be their strong suit yet improv is but one of their specialties
As Gore Vidal said, “The genius of America was to separate state from religion. The genius of Italy was to separate the state from the people.”