I’ve had the French over for dinner. But then I was living in Paris so that made sense.

Here’s a photo of Godot on the table after all the French guests had left. I gave a great luncheon on that day, as we used to say.
And here’s a pre dinner shot in Paris, in case you’re curious. Americans and a few French classical musicians were both at that one at our flat in the 5th arrondissement.

Here’s a photo of a dinner with my two favorite Roberto’s. They are not French but both speak French very well.

However, it’s impossible for me to understand the Russophobia thing. Like I said, I’ve had too many Russians for dinner. When I ask my guests about Putin, and I always do, even if they don’t like him, they respect him. Imagine that.
I’ve even had Kazakhs to my home, but they weren’t very chatty. Perhaps they were spies. I invited them because they were working for a company my guy helped build, an oil company in Romania and Kazakhstan. Here’s a pre photo of that dinner in Bucharest circa 2013. I must have known a black tablecloth would be appropriate…

The more I think about those Kazakhs…they were were really lousy dinner guests. But you know who does know how to sing for their supper; the Russians. They are good company, engaging and they really like to laugh. They’ve never let me down as far as entertainment value. I put allot of effort into my table, and menu, I appreciate any effort.
Maybe I’ve just been lucky and caught them all on a good day.
One of my favorite Russians, a lovely woman named Lola, came by to teach me how to make Borscht when I was living in Prague. It was delicious. One time she brought her mother to dinner and she too was a wonderful guest.

Suppose I’ve had too many Russians at my table. Along with French, New Zealanders, Italian, German, Austrian, English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, Czech, Romanian, Indian, Maltese, Dutch, African and many Americans, lots and lots of northern Americans. Especially when I lived in Seattle. There were so many to choose from.
Why all this Russophobia nonsense. In spite of all our efforts, they are doing well, economically, very well, according to the IMF. Not to mention everyone who visits and reports back. Sanctions have accomplished the opposite. They are winning the war, through attrition, which is what they do best. They are taking their time. Unlike Ukraine, they have plenty of ammunition and men; both of which make attritional warfare ideal.
Early on I decided to listen to Scott Ritter and anyone outside of western media. I did the research and studied the story between Ukraine and Russia, it began long before 2022. It’s a tragedy that did not need to happen.
Really looking forward to the interview. Tucker’s got a pretty large audience, so they say.
Oh, and here’s a couple more photos of some of my best dinner parties…

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