Bailey Alexander: Dreams from Northern Italy
Poseur alert and best investment: Issey Miyake
For years I’ve worn these headscarves….and shirts and pants. Someone asked on FB so I collected some photos. In Paris I used to catch the annual sale at Place des Voges, it’s the only way to afford Issey Miyake. And what a great investment. The fabric lasts and the style is timeless. And funky. Still…
if you aren’t moved by what you see; then change what you see
Watching America now – like watching the Roman Empire collapse – but with wifi
I left some 20ish ago and now, many friends are telling me I left at the right time. Who knows, just know the the above tweet, or X sounded right on.
The Reading Season: How a boxer’s daughter found grace.
Here it is, just for you. If you love detective novels and you quite like travel; this one’s for you. Lots of great reviews on Amazon. Let me know your thoughts!
away for awhile so the storms and sun took care of my trumpets
on Lake Garda in July
Just do it
They were adorable and tho Converse, they reminded of the Nike ad; Just do it. So I did, I bought one.
So much for going gently into that good night
In fact, America’s political class is holding on and creating quite a sad and tragic spectacle for all to see. Biden announces he’s cured cancer or that Russia is losing the war, before walking off some stage, rarely able to find the door. On a daily basis. So many it’s not worth posting their names…
Oliver Stone’s Nuclear Documentary
You can call him a fantastic, but I don’t; I like him. Think he’s on the right side of the angels. He’s curious, actually sat down with Putin; setting a good example. Now. Time to revisit nuclear energy. French are now experts so he sat down with them. He’s curious. Now Oliver Stone provides a…
Japan and Italy, cultural cousins
I always talk of France and Italy being cultural cousins; because it’s true. Really, I provide you with so many examples. But lately I’ve been writing about the Piemontese and Italians, in general, how detail oriented they are. And it’s true and i’ll be providing you with many examples soon. However, when I was trimming…
Got any book recommendations?