The treasure beneath our feet.
How often do we think of that way? The Piemontese I interviewed for my next book, they think of it that way all the time.
That’s how artisans like Fabrizio think of it while making their world famous Robiola cheese in Roccaverano. They till the soil with care, and dearly appreciate the treasure beneath their feet.

I guess that about sums it up. It’s all we can do; start with ourselves, our lifestyle choices and go from there. This is what the Piemontese have taught me. It’s not just a slogan for them, those industrious people up there in northern Italy —
— it’s what they do. I’m writing about them so i think about this daily. It’s as powerful as meditation. Puts me in the right mindset and allows me to focus on the work. And, for the Piemontese, it’s safe to say, work really is their passport to serenity.