So much for going gently into that good night

In fact, America’s political class is holding on and creating quite a sad and tragic spectacle for all to see.

Biden announces he’s cured cancer or that Russia is losing the war, before walking off some stage, rarely able to find the door. On a daily basis. So many it’s not worth posting their names or photos, in wheelchairs, freezing on stage, falling down.

I wonder if it has something to do with Hermetic philosophy, specifically the principle of polarity. All paradoxes must be reconciled. The more they cling too tightly to that power the more it comes back to be reconciled. It’s a thought, everything is dual so Hermes once said.

Allora. We can only wish for term limits. So that they may go gently into that good night.

After all, not everyone can be Mick Jagger. Here he is, posting on X, I guess, thanking everyone for their happy birthday wishes on his 80th.



