A quote from Samuel Beckett sets the right tone. An ideal mantra to let linger in the mind as I begin submitting query letters to agents for my book, “Personal Legends of Piemonte”.
And a few fotos of Godot, named after one of Beckett’s characters, to provide color and inspiration. No need to wait, as Beckett suggests; Godot has already arrived.
If you too are submitting, here’s some helpful hints for us both:
- Research: Ensure you’re querying agents who represent your genre or niche. Research their preferences, recent deals, and clients to personalize your query effectively.
- Personalization: Tailor each query letter to the specific agent. Mention why you’re approaching them specifically and how your work aligns with their interests.
- Clarity and Brevity: Keep the query concise and focused. Clearly summarize your book’s premise, protagonist, conflict, and stakes without giving away the entire plot.
- Hook: Start with a compelling hook or tagline that captures the essence of your story, drawing the agent’s attention from the start.
- Professionalism: Maintain a professional tone and format. Follow submission guidelines meticulously, including word count, font, spacing, and any other specific instructions.
- Credentials (if applicable): Highlight any relevant writing credentials, awards, or previous publications that could lend credibility to your work.
- Polished Writing: Ensure your query letter is well-written, edited, and free of grammatical errors. It should showcase your writing ability.
- Engagement: Invite the agent’s interest by creating intrigue but also indicating readiness to provide additional materials upon request (synopsis, sample chapters, etc.).
- Closing: Thank the agent for their time and consideration. Offer your contact information and express your willingness to provide more materials if needed.