My Books

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My book is available on Amazon in both paperback and audio. Some reviews say it reads like a detective novel as I search for a new place to call home.

The reader begins with a family secret, then sails across the Atlantic, exploring cultural realities and absorbing the personality of an awful lot of cities. There is joy and wonder and there is pathological grief. It’s a trip. Yet I call is an odyssey because it took 20 years…

…more importantly; it changed me.

My next book is called “Personal Legends of Piemonte” and will be out next year, available in both Italian and English. I interviewed 12 extraordinary people, 12 Piemontese and the book is full of magic and wisdom. It focuses on the region of Piemonte; their fine products and their sense of ‘pride‘ called ‘campanilismo“. The interviews are about their lives, highlighting their strong sense of family, work and tradition.

In this wicked wicked world it restores the faith knowing about the Piemontese; you just may agree…