Category: Blogs and Blessays

  • somewhere, she walks in beauty

  • An American Hero

    An American Hero

    Amazing to think the US spends almost a trillion a year on military and still, they have to go around begging other countries for ammo. What a grift. After Smedley Butler retired from the Corps, he began speaking out against the military-industrial complex. Anytime’s a good time to remind of the remarkable life of Smedley.…

  • Editing?


    Are you editing? Everyone seems to be editing. Maybe not enough, but we’re all doing the best we can. Yesterday, I watched the gardener mow the lawn at our place on the lake. I spent hours mowing our lawn in Loazzolo. Initially I cut it close, then after a few years, I thought – gosh,…

  • Magnolia


    I grew up in Magnolia, next to downtown Seattle – so when the Magnolia trees bloom this time of year I get blissfully nostalgic  Think the Magnolia tree retains its original name here in Italy. Named after the Swedish botanist Carl Linnuaus in 1737 in honor of the French botanist Pierre Mgnol. I did not…

  • My Name is Rachel Corrie

    My Name is Rachel Corrie

    I’d been going to the Seattle Repetory Theater all my life. But one night stood out amongst several seasons worth of memorable evenings with my mother. For those that love the ambiance and power of theater, “My Name is Rachel” was extraordinary. I’d moved to Europe but a friend took me to see the play,…

  • Easter weekend

    Easter weekend

    Wishing everyone well, looking forward to spring and a little peace, if possible

  • I wrote a book.

    I wrote a book.

    It’s called “A European Odyssey; how a boxer’s daughter found grace” Here’s a few teasers and you’re going to love it. Just thought I’d put a face with the words. The book is part detective novel, part nomadic love story. I cover Rome, Paris, Prague and Geneva and then we cross the Atlantic on our…

  • Finnish PM, when asked what motivated her…

    Finnish PM, when asked what motivated her…

    …Long after the silly scandal, the Finnish PM Sanna Marin was asked what motivated her to be Prime Minister. “I just wanted to have a experience”. Kinda sums up the mentality of the current crop of western leaders – rather than being deeply concerned with the people, they’re only concerned with their personal agenda. Building…

  • Old institutional powers like the Royal Family cannot keep up.

    Old institutional powers like the Royal Family cannot keep up.

    Russell Brand is English and a comedian. Who better to comment on such a royal mess. Kate Middleton is missing. Brand hopes it’s frivolous but could be sinister. One popular theory being history is repeating itself; this Princess is living out what the previous Princess did. That does not portend well. And to think she…

  • Italian rednecks

    Italian rednecks

    My guy calls Piemontese farmers ‘Italian rednecks’. And he should know, he’s half Piemontese. They’re the kind of rednecks who drink Barolo and Barbaresco with their bollito. Right after they’ve killed the wild boar, and yes, it is fresh and just delicious. And they make the most delightful version of Salade Niçoise And I should…