Bailey Alexander: Dreams from Northern Italy
I wrote a book.
It’s called “A European Odyssey; how a boxer’s daughter found grace” Here’s a few teasers and you’re going to love it. Just thought I’d put a face with the words. The book is part detective novel, part nomadic love story. I cover Rome, Paris, Prague and Geneva and then we cross the Atlantic on our…
Scott Ritter’s on fire.
I’ve no way of knowing whether more Americans are Pro Palestinian or Pro Israeli but Scott Ritter’s been spot on for the past two years. About pretty much everything. It’s such a sad state of affairs…
Finnish PM, when asked what motivated her…
…Long after the silly scandal, the Finnish PM Sanna Marin was asked what motivated her to be Prime Minister. “I just wanted to have a experience”. Kinda sums up the mentality of the current crop of western leaders – rather than being deeply concerned with the people, they’re only concerned with their personal agenda. Building…
Old institutional powers like the Royal Family cannot keep up.
Russell Brand is English and a comedian. Who better to comment on such a royal mess. Kate Middleton is missing. Brand hopes it’s frivolous but could be sinister. One popular theory being history is repeating itself; this Princess is living out what the previous Princess did. That does not portend well. And to think she…
Italian rednecks
My guy calls Piemontese farmers ‘Italian rednecks’. And he should know, he’s half Piemontese. They’re the kind of rednecks who drink Barolo and Barbaresco with their bollito. Right after they’ve killed the wild boar, and yes, it is fresh and just delicious. And they make the most delightful version of Salade Niçoise And I should…
Scheming and plotting my way into the 3rd act.
My guy sent this from Paris last nite, no idea why, I was asking for photos of le ville lumière. Never even seen it. I do love the youth! But what I really like, and why the post – I’ve been thinking about the 3rd act lately. Allot. For example. Like me, Gigi and Gaston…
As the world turns
The de-industrialisation of Europe is happening quite quickly but will take years to put in reverse. While Asia, Africa and Latin American are focused on the industrialization of their economies. Of course, there’s groups here in Europe who are want to make Scholz, Macron and Sunak a distant memory. For instance, Siemens and Volkswagon are…
I moved to the middle of nowhere to learn how to listen to them
Our beloved trees. I moved to a place in the middle of nowhere to learn how to listen to them. Here on Garda, my friend Mariano said, due to an insect issue, they’ll have to cut down all the palm trees. Gosh. While cruising from Chez Robere to Chez Bay it may only take 5…
hope someone’s saving my seat in la serenissima
Definitely Venice
Baccalà mantecato is one of the most ancient and typical of Venetian dishes. It’s lovely, it’s creamed cod and it’s a major part of the selection – you can see it’s 3rd and 4th and perhaps 5th down the line of bar food.
Got any book recommendations?